Development in iOs requires expertise in the different programming languages used. Objective-C and Swift are currently the two most commonly used languages for projects in this operating system, and both can be used in a single development.
iOs is a must
iOs development
Developing applications for iOs devices is essential considering that the use of this operating system has grown significantly in recent years. Adapting to Apple’s system can therefore be very interesting for your business. Depending on the type of audience you are targeting, this can often be quite relevant.
It is also important to develop a mobile application for your business. It can put you at an advantage by bringing you even closer to your target audience.

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01. Objective-C
This object-oriented language first appeared in 1980 as a superset of the C programming language, and was integrated into Apple after it acquired NeXT in 1996. The language Objective-C had been used to develop the Mac OS X operating system. In 2014 Apple announced the arrival of Swift to replace Objective-C in the development of Cocoa (the framework that enables the development of native applications for Mac OS X).
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02. Swift
Introduced as an intuitive and powerful language, it is the programming language developed in-house by Apple for the design and development of iOs applications. It is an open code designed to provide greater ease and freedom to developers. At Onclick we take Apple’s words literally when it says that, with Swift “anyone can bring their ideas to life.”
We have the right team
We move in the right environment
Once the language is mastered it’s time to get moving, and to do so we need a development environment where we can develop our best ideas. This environment is Xcode, the Mac application where all apps destined for users of this system are born.
We have the best team to design and develop the application you need for your business. Bringing you just a screen touch away from your target audience means reaching more people quicker.